What the WHAT has this year been and where has it gone?! I'm turning 30 this week, I have 3 kids and *attempting* to run a design business. Have I gone crazy? Will I survive? I know I have shared a lot about my creative background, my outlook on my design process and aesthetic but lately I've felt that there was a bit missing from the story. So, I have decided to hit the reset button and get a little more candid (& personal!) with you all. What I love about owning my own business - and what I don't. What I truly think about having 3 kids under 3 (and why I want more 😬). Maybe you care and maybe you don't 😝, but today I'm sharing a little more about ME! And if nothing else it will be documented in case I don't remember the next 5 years 😂

MOTHER: So I have 3 boys! Avery is our oldest and just turned 3 a few weeks ago. Jett is 16 months and little Miles we added just 3 weeks ago. Yep, we are in the THICK of it over here, people. You're probably thinking to yourself WHYYYY (I am too some days). And you'll probably also be shocked to know that these were all planned kiddos. We've always wanted a big family and to be frank I did not want to be pregnant for 10 years straight, so here we are 😂. There is little sleep, a lot of pumping, what seems like endless tantrums and a whole lot of coffee and vino. Some days I really wonder what I've done and how I'm going to survive this and some days I think "okay, I can do this". PRO TIP: on the bad days go to the bathroom and watch cute videos of your kids and it will instantly remind you that you do in fact love them 😆. And while it may seem like I'm doing this all alone I am very much NOT. The older boys go to daycare part time and I'm convinced we have the best grandparents / nana papas and aunts on planet earth! How people live away from their families I just don't know. I do believe you figure out how to handle anything that life throws at you, to us this is the norm and we really would not have it any other way. But PLEASE pray for me that the next one is a girl 🤞🏻. I'm OCD and 4 is a nice even number 😂.
The culprits of my madness and my greatest achievement:

Typical days there is usually a lot of this:

Sometimes a little of this (meet Miles!):

What my house usually looks like - if I step on one more lego.... 🙈 Wait, are my drapes falling down? oh hell no.

Okay, enough of the kids - more about the business. Owning my own business by the time I was 30 is definitely something I could've never imagined for myself. I am proud of how far I have come in just the first year of this adventure but it's also not a walk in the park. Flexibility and freedom are among the list of pros as to why this has been the best decision for my family but doing what you love I think is both a blessing and a curse. The desire to always make it better, always be 'on' and ultimately wanting so badly to succeed, all account for a non-stop schedule. It's a FUN schedule and to be honest I've always thrived in a fast paced environment. I went back to work one week after Miles was born and while most people would find that insane, I really didn't have a choice. My projects weren't going to go on hold or wait for me so I made a choice to deliver the level of service to my clients I felt like they deserved. While I am considering on expanding here soon, right now it's just me, myself and I! I love what I do and I love all of my projects and clients, which makes the late nights and one handed email typing 🤷🏼♀️ all worth it.
Also, am I the only one that feels MORE tired after a nap!? I'd really rather just power through with more coffee but there are some days I feel like I'm failing at both worlds. These are the hard days and the days I really question if this is the right path for me (cue mom-guilt). I quickly remind myself (along with some kind words from my husband) how much joy this company has brought me and how much of it makes me an even better mother. Don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back some days!
Which brings me to my hubby / CFO / talks me off a ledge weekly / baby daddy. Meet Alex! Alex is a CFO by trade and graciously runs that portion of my business for me. He will tell you that the pay sucks but the benefits are great 😂. He also plays the role of Dad to our 3 boys and I really wonder how someone can be THAT patient with these maniac kids. We have been married for 6.5 years and *so far* have survived the year of 2020. Needless to say, 2021 better bring a vacay - what is it about sleeping in a hotel room that just gives me life?!

I think we can all agree that 2020 has taught us something about ourselves or made us realize how much we are truly capable of. And it's a lot! Just keep taking it day by day and give yourself some grace. We are all doing awesome!